
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

Seminars February/March 2020

"Strengthening social dialogue – shaping European integration": special project for workers' organisations in the Western Balkans

04.02. – 06.02.2020, Bukarest / RO

MCL / EFAL (Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori / Ente Nazionale per la Formazione e l'Addestramento dei Lavoratori)

Contact: Sergio Silvani and Piergiorgio Sciacqua

E-Mail: efal@mcl.it


Cooperation of workers' organisations and other civil society organisations to raise the…

EZA-News Nr. 4/2019

Topics: EZA kick-off seminar Aachen: Social and ecological transformation for the future

A visit to the EPSC: the think tank for the future of Europe

Values in politics: Interview with Spain's former Interior Minister Zoido

100 years CFTC: french union celebrates anniversary of founding

60 years of social security coordination – from a workers’ perspective

For six decades social security coordination has been part of European Union policy. This is to guarantee that European workers do not lose their security if, for instance, they do not work in their own home country. The "HIVA Research Institute for Work and Society" at KU Leuven has now published a large-scale publication.

EZA-Kick-Off Seminar 2019 in Aachen

These are drastic words, which highlight the enormity of the problem: There cannot be good workplaces on a dead planet. This way, the ecological transformation also reaches the sphere of influence of workers’ organizations. At this year’s kick-off seminar in Aachen on 28 and 29 November, EZA took a closer look at this issue together with Nell-Breuning-Haus (NBH).

EZA-Aktuell no. 3/2019

Topics: Populism vs. Productivity: strong right-winged results are scaring of skilled labour

A safe and healthy workplace: presentation of the EU-OSHA campaign

From the Ruhr-region to Europe: Interview with MEP Dennis Radkte

Inspiration for Tunisia: Delegation from Tunis gets to know the European social dialog

A delegation from Tunis on a visit to Königswinter

European Social Dialogue, Labour Jurisdiction and Digitalisation - just three keywords that the delegation of the Tunis School of Business and Economics (ESSECT) and its partners in the Königswinter employee centre have dealt with.

The educational trip was created through a partnership with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and is carried out in cooperation with the Friedrich Ebert Foundation (FES) and the European Centre for Workers' Questions…

Nicolas Schmit is the new designated EU Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs

Luxembourg's former Labour Minister Nicolas Schmit is the new designated EU Commissioner for Employment and Social Affairs.

This was announced by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen at the launch of her new commission.The 65-year-old from the Socialist Group is considered an EU expert. From 1998 to 2004 Schmit worked as a Luxembourg ambassador to the EU. He then accepted the position of Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs and…

EZA News no. 2/2019


EZA at the International Labour Conference in Geneva: 100 years of ILO: EZA President Luc Van den Brande speaking at the plenary session; International Convention Against Violence and Harassment in the World of Work

EU Commissioner Marianne Thyssen on the achievements of the Juncker Commission: the focus on social issues

The Belgian Member of the European Parliament Claude Rolin gives a personal account of his period of office in the…

EZA Contributions to social dialogue 33 published: Integration of migrants and refugees in the labour market - the role of workers' organizations

People on the Mediterranean continue to risk their lives fleeing war and hunger in their homeland and looking for a better perspective in Europe. Therefore, a European debate is still crucial in finding collective answers to the political and social challenges associated with flight and migration.

The report presented here summarizes the results of a series of seminars from the 2017/2018 education year organized by the European Centre for…

100th anniversary of the ILO

ILO Centenary Declaration for the Future of Work

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Convention concerning the elimination of violence and harassment in the world of work

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