
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

EZA office in Brussels reoccupied

Mon Verrydt is the new Head of the EZA Brussels Office. He can be reached as from now as follows:

E-mail: brussels(at)eza.org

Phone: 00 32 - 2 - 524 56 47

Mobile: 00 32 - 477 46 87 97

Centenary Session of the International Labour Organisation from 10 - 21 June 2019 in Geneva

Speech of Luc Van den Brande in the Plenary Session on 17 June 2019

EZA President, Luc Van den Brande, underlines the outstanding importance of the ILO for the continuous struggle worldwide for decent work.

You can see the full speech as video.

New full member at EZA: Europejski Dom Spotkań – Fundacja Nowy Staw

The former associated EZA member Europejski Dom Spotkań – Fundacja Nowy Staw from Lublin / Poland was accepted as a full member of the EZA network at the last board meeting of the European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA) in Zagreb in June. Welcome to EZA!

EZA Contributions to social dialogue 32 published: Green Jobs

In view of the dramatic scope of climate change to be expected and the absolute necessity of achieving the aims of the Paris Agreement, doing business in an environmentally friendly way has become a constant commandment. This principle is enshrined in many European countries and in the policies of the European Commission, and has become a permanent political process. To EZA as a network of workers’ organisations acting on the basis of Christian…

EZA-HIVA conference about „60 years of social security coordination from a workers' perspective”

All contributions to the high-calibre conference, which took place from 16 to 17 May 2019 in Leuven / Belgium and opened with EU Commissioner Marianne Thyssen, can now be found on the website of HIVA.

Further information can be found on the website of the EU Commission.

Seminars in June 2019

"Strengthening social dialogue – shaping European integration": special project for workers' organisations in the Western Balkans

Social partnership of all relevant factors in the implementation of the structural reforms in Republic of North Macedonia, the countries from the region and EU countries

[2nd working group of the special project]

04.06. – 07.06.2019, Struga / MK

YHACM - UNASM - UIATUM (Union of Independent Autonomous Trade Unions…

EZA Contributions to social dialogue 31 published: Migration and labour mobility

The big refugee movement to Europa in 2015 and 2016 caused EZA to co-ordinate projects again on the issue of migration. The aim of the six seminars held in different regions of Europe was to flag up in which areas and ways workers’ organisations could assist refugees, in many a regard defenceless, in exercising their rights in the labour market.

There was agreement that the wide-ranging forms of exploitation to which refugees are exposed in the…

EZA board member Prof. dr. Franjo Topić is the winner of the individual Sixth of April Award in the field of culture

In Sarajevo City Hall, on Saturday, the ceremonial session of the City Council of the City of Sarajevo was held on the occasion of the 6th of April, the Day of the City of Sarajevo, when the Sixth of April award was officially presented to prof. dr. Franjo Topić in the field of culture.

The Sixth of April is the highest and most prestigious decoration given annually by the City of Sarajevo, capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Recipients are…

Seminars in May 2019

European Pillar of Social Rights – implementations and proposals for workers' organisations

09.05. – 11.05.2019, Vilnius / LT

LPS „Solidarumas“ (Lietuvos Profesinė Sąjunga „Solidarumas“)

Contact: Kristina Krupavičienė

E-mail: kristinalpss(at)hotmail.com


Fair working conditions: The European Pillar of Social Rights as the basis for new social partner consensus

10.05. – 12.05.2019, Nals / IT

AFB (Arbeiter-, Freizeit- und Bildungsverein)


European conference on the subject of “Healthy Workplaces”

Trade union representatives from France, Poland, Portugal and Germany met in Bonn from 14 to 16 March 2019 to discuss "Healthy Workplaces - Recognizing and Managing Dangerous Substances" and measures to raise awareness and preventive action in their respective communities to inform industries. Presented were examples from the chemical, mineral oil, agriculture, waste management, water management, construction and wood, freight, food,…