
News, reports, information - this is the place for current news from our network.

Developing the future in the heart of Europe

EZA Youth Platform seminar

We keep growing: two new EZA members

New members from Portugal and Moldova

Economists, lawyers and the EU’s new fiscal rules: A dialogue with Professor Mark Dawson

Discussing the role of legal expertise in EMU affairs and the impact of marginalizing lawyers from the debate

European social partners start talks to improve working conditions for care workers

Social services will be the 44th European social dialogue committee and the first one set up in over a decade.

A new social partner summit in Val Duchesse in 2024

In her State of the EU speech, the President of the Commission announced a new social partner summit in Val Duchesse in 2024.

Vacancies at EZA

we are hiring ...

EZA is a campaign partner at EU–OSHA

EZA has been confirmed as a campaign partner for the fourth time in a row, and is looking forward to the collaboration.


Council adopts recommendation on strengthening social dialogue in the European Union

The Council waters down a text that is already very weak by nature.

Priorities of the Spanish Council presidency

The Council presidency gives the Spanish government the opportunity to speed up some key social dossiers.

EZA Snack Debate

A new format with bundled news on exciting topics, in a short time. An information snack.