Special project for workers' organisations in candidate countries – The enlargement of the EU to include the countries of the Western Balkans: hope and slowness characterise an almost endless process

Belgrade / RS

The project is about addressing the issue of the EU's readiness, as a credible geopolitical actor of global standing, to promote the full social, political, and economic integration of the workers of countries in the Western Balkans in order to catch up with the delays that have occurred so far on this matter, in order to prevent the Western Balkan countries from turning to other partners from outside the EU.

MCL / EFAL (Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori / Ente Nazionale per la Formazione e l'Addestramento dei Lavoratori)
Giorgio D’Antoni and Maria Pangaro
Tel.: +39 - 06 - 92 09 68 36
E-mail: efal(at)mcl.it (Giorgio D’Antoni)
m.pangaro(at)mcl.it (Maria Pangaro)

Languages: en, it, sh

Project no.: 70-06-24-SP