International Labour Day

an opportunity not only to honour the achievements of the labour movement

Today we celebrate International Labour Day - an opportunity not only to honour the achievements of the labour movement, but also to reflect on the current challenges and opportunities in the world of work.  

In Europe, we have a rich history of labour rights and social protection. Through hard work and determined efforts, we have achieved milestones such as the eight-hour working day, the minimum wage and protection against discrimination in the workplace. These achievements are the result of a struggle that labour has been waging for years. An important mechanism that has helped to promote social progress in Europe. Through this dialogue, employers' organisations and trade unions come together at European level to discuss important issues such as employment, working conditions and social protection. This dialogue helps to find consensus and common solutions that take into account the interests of all stakeholders.  

But while we are proud of our progress, we are also facing new challenges. Digitalisation and automation are rapidly changing the world of work. We need to ensure that no one is left behind by these changes and that all workers have access to skills training and lifelong learning to keep pace with the demands of the modern labour market.  

As the European Commission's Year of Skills draws to a close, we want to emphasise the importance of lifelong learning and continuous skills development for tomorrow's world of work. This year has shown that the promotion of skills and qualifications is crucial to meet the challenges of digitalisation and the changing labour market. Through initiatives such as the European Skills Agenda, the EU has created a framework to support skills development at all levels and ensure that no one is left behind.   

In addition, we must continue to work to strengthen workers' rights, especially in terms of fair wages, safe working conditions and a good work-life balance. The pandemic has shown how important it is to have a robust social safety net that supports those who are most vulnerable.

As a European community, we need to work together to build a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable world of work. This requires close cooperation between governments, businesses, trade unions and civil society - just like in the European social dialogue. By working for social justice and decent work, we can create a future in which all people have the opportunity to realise their full potential.  

With this in mind, we wish everyone an inspiring International Labour Day. May it encourage us to work together for a world in which the dignity of every worker is respected and protected.